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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Evidence of how warped the Western society has become...

But you're so queer for a straight guy! Affirming complexities of gendered sexualities in men

This paper argues the need for expansion of the categories of sexuality and gender as these relate to heterosexual-identified males; it calls for an increased visibility of males who are straight but who, by queering straight masculinity, challenge normative, hegemonic hetero-masculinity. Queering here is seen as the disrupting of both normative heterosexuality and masculinity, presenting the heterosexual male in a way that adopts characteristics of both the feminine and that which is perceived to be gay. Drawing on a typology of “queer masculinities of straight males” (Heasley, 2003; 2005), this paper argues that this articulation of the diversity within the hetero-masculine is critical to examine for its disruption of hegemonic masculinity and its accompanying partner, hegemonic heterosexuality. By acknowledging, legitimizing, and reproducing queer straight masculinity, “another world becomes possible” – a world where both masculinity and heterosexuality takes on a new range of meanings – meanings that become associated positively with the feminine and with homosexuality. This paper uses the typology of queer-straight masculinity as well as photos and narratives from an art exhibit on intimate male friendships as a way to examine how straight males can and do disrupt the normative gender/sexual system.

Note from Reclaiming Natural manhood site:

This paper seeks to build upon the existing confusion created in the West by gender identities misdefined in terms of sexuality, to accommodate the discrepancies created in this process, rather than seek to dismantle the basic confusion and revert back to the original gender definitions.