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Sunday, February 15, 2009

God has to be a man-woman

Ardhnarishwar means 'God who is half woman and half man.' This is a form of Hindu deity Shiva.

The Greek deities Hermes and Aphrodite combined to form 'hermaphrodite'.

The Confucian and Taoist principles of yin (feminine) and yang (masculine) balance the male with the female elements.

Himalayan Buddhists use the words yab-yum instead of yin-yang. Hopi Native Americans believe that modern life has been thrown out of balance because the sacred feminine has been eliminated. The Jews call God Yahweh, JHVH or YHWH. The Christians use the name Jehovah. All four names unite the masculine, Jah (Psalms 68:4) wtih Havah, which is the pre-Hebraic name for Eve.


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